9月15、16日でドラ焼き100個、人参スノーボール200個、ホワイト・スノーボール200個、 抹茶フィナンシェ100個、アーモンド・フィナンシェ100個を “今ここ” の3人で力を合わせて作りました。
On September 15th and 16th, the three of us at Imakoko, we made 100 dora-yaki (two small think pancake sandwiching red bean paste), 200 carrot snow balls, 200 white snow balls, 100 green tea cookies.
We divided up the goodies and packed then into 83 packages to bring to an retirement home.
When we got there, the event for the day of elders had already started.
いろんなボランテアの人たちの出し物の後で100歳をこえた方へ安部総理大臣より 長生きの表彰状が送られた。 めでたい席でしたが安部氏が病気の為何か複雑な気がしました。
After the a talent show by volunteers, the guests of honor over 100 got a certificate from Prime Minister Abe. This was supposed to be a cheerful event but since the Prime Minister is sick, the atmosphere at the event was mixed.
おやつの時間に80名の入居者の皆さんに僕らのお菓子を食べていただきました。 皆さん甘いものがお好きで、とても喜んでいただきました。
The 80 guest enjoyed our cookies during tea time. Many of them, loved sweets and tea time was the highlight of the day. We were only there for a shirt time but they warmed our hearts and made us happy.
We hope to deliver cookies again next year.
ポレポレ店長 た。 (入所もそう遠くなさそうです。)
Pore Pore Chef T. (the day that he enters may not be too far)