水曜日, 6月 27, 2007

桧山直樹さんの畑 Naoki-san's Field

ごはん屋 今ここ は桧山直樹さんの育てた野菜を使っています。
At Gohanya Imakoko, we use vegetables grown by Naoki Hiyama-san.
この時期は インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)、スイスチャド、ズッキーニ、ナス、ピーマン、バナナ・ペパー、他 そしてカモミール・薄紅あおい(ハーブティー) を皆様にお出ししています。
Currently we are offering, potatoes, Swiss chard, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, banana peppers, among herbal teas such as chamomile and hollyhocks. For many of the crops, the yields are low so we cannot promise anything, while we hope you can try some of the incredibly healthy vegetables.

Here is an introduction to Naoki-san's Field

畑の住人はこのアヒルたちです。 2匹は力を合わせて雑草を食べまくります。
The resident of the field are these two ducks. They cooperate in getting rid of the weeds.

Noki Hiyama-san and his daikon. He didn't harvest this daikon because he wants to harvest seeds from it.

桧山直樹さんの畑に 梅、ハーブの花、インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)の収穫の手伝いに行きました。
We went to help harvest plum, herb flowers, and an Inca potato at Mr. Naoki Hiyama's field.
Naoiki-san has been growing organic vegetables in Eastern Fukuoka for 20 years.
その野菜の多くは 檜山タミ先生の料理塾で使われていますが、“今ここ”にもご好意で分けていただいています。
Many of the vegetables are used at Hiyama Tami-sensei's cooking school but he has kindly agreed to sell some of his vegetables to Imakoko as well.
写真 左から直樹さん、ミナコ先生、な。シェフ、ポレポレ店長。
From the left, Naoki-san, Minako-sensei, Natsumi-chef, and pore-pore Takashi.

At a quick glance, this field appears to be covered in weeds. In reality, there are many different variates of vegetables growing among the weeds.
In the past, Naoki-san studied natural farming with Masanobu Fukuoka in Shikoku.
The vegetables that are grown can survive in any environment.

その雑草をのけて掘ると インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)が出てきます。
Under the weeds the beautiful potatoes poke their noses out.
Because the vegetables have to compete with the weeds, the vegetables have an amazing amount of life in them.

カモミールの花 Chamomile flowers
これをお茶にしたら 本当に香たかいカモミール・ティーができます。
When steeped in hot water, it makes tea with a great aroma.

お湯に入れたときはくすんだ青色ですが このお茶のお手前としてはレモンを入れて飲まなくてはいけません。 そのあとは お楽しみに・・・
This is also great for herbal tea. When placed into hot water, it is a muddled blue but with lemon, it is fantastic. Plase enjoy after adding lemon.

梅は大豊作でした。 A great harvest of plums.

Currently, at Imakoko we have plum jam, is used for ice cream sauce, and in jello for desserts.

やはりお店と同様に最後はいつも な。シェフ大活躍です。 暑い一日でしたがとても楽しかったでした。
ポレポレ店長 た。
As it is at Imakoko, at the end, Natumi came to save the day.
It was a hot day but we had great fun.
Thank you so much, Naoki-san!
Pore Pore Chef T.

金曜日, 6月 15, 2007

初夏 Early summer

We have entered the rainy season.
Since it has been so humid and hot, we are starting June with a cool cucumber and yam (yamaimo) with tomato jelly. By juicing some lime on the vegetables, we hope that you can enjoy all of the flavors.

Following our vegetables, we have our fish appetizer. Currently, we are offering cooked smoked octopus, mackerel, squid and eggs from congers. Photographed below is sea bream (tai) marinated with lemon and its eggs cooked gently with ginger. N-Chef

金曜日, 6月 08, 2007

ハモしゃぶ Conger Hot-pots

見た目はグロテスクですが、特に初夏のハモは上品な 味です。
昔より 京都のお公家さんは競ってこの時期いただかれたそうです。
I love Congers.
They look gross but they have a elegant flavor, especially in the early summer.
From long time ago, VIPs in Kyoto used to compete with each other to have some.

長浜中央魚市場で 早朝生きハモを絞め神経を抜きます。
そうしないと 血が体に回り美味しく食べれません。
I get ours from the Nagahama Central Fish Market where the Congers are slaughtered and the nerves are taken out. The procedure is necessary to keep the blood from circulating and staying in the body.

ハモのさばきは大変です。やさしく、大胆に な。シェフは料理します。白子や卵は傷つけないように取り出します。
Filleting congers is a hard job. Natsumi carefully and boldly fillets without affecting the eggs or the soft roe.

ハモには多くの細骨があるため骨切りをします。骨切りは直前にしなくてはおいしくいただけません。 Congers have a lot of small bones that need to be broken right before or it is not as delicious.

Now we're ready. Place them on the plate and ready for enjoyment.

June is the start of Conger season.
京都の5月の葵祭りより始まり 夏は祇園の加茂川べりの
In May, Aoi Festival in Kyoto and continues through summer where they are found in kawayuka restaurants along the Kamo River in Gion.
In Kansai, the congers from the Sanin area are considered delicious, although depending on the season, great congers can be found at Ooita Chikugo-Suidou, Shikoku Awa, and Karatsu-Nagasaki area. Most of what is caught is sent to Kantou and Kansai.
それは 新鮮な刺身で食べられるハモを自分の好みで食べられるからです。
There are may ways to prepare congers but most of all, I love conger hot-pots. Congers that can be eaten as sashimi eaten as you like in hot-pots are great.
Until the end of July (since we're closed for the month of August), we hope to have Conger dishes as long as they are found at the Nagahama Central Fish Market.

The early season congers are a lighter flavor compared to the fattier fall season congers.
Different than the flavor of puffer fish, I love the flavor of conger of this season.
今のハモは白子か卵をしっかり抱えていますので 今ここではそれも含めてお出ししています。
Currently, the congers also have a lot of soft roe that is fantastic that we are offering now as well.
ポレポレ店長 た。Pore pore chef T.