It has been almost a week since we reopened for the season amides the heat of September. Here is an introduction to tonight’s menu:
First is a “snapping turtle steamer” with hopes of not leaving any fatigue from the hot summer days. Snapping turtles give a great broth; if you have never tried it, please take advantage of this opportunity. We use wild snapping turtles from the Yabe River.
こちらは先日ようやく入手した赤村のイノブタを串焼きにしトマティーオをかけてます。赤村のイノブタは歯ごたえがあり、とてもうまみのある肉です。脂身がまたとても美味です。 あとはポレンタ、たまねぎにトマト、バナナピーマンです。
Below is grilled ino-buta* meat from Akamura with tomatillo sauce. Ino-buta from Akamura is delicious because of its great texture with lots of umami. The fatty meats are great as well. On the side we have polenta, onion, tomato and banana peppers.
*Ino-buta is a hybrid of wild boar x pig
To finish the meal, we have grilled chestnut rice. We’ve made it whole chestnuts.