ズッキー二の花は雌花と雄花があり、これは雄花です。 雌花の下にズッキーニが成長しますが、雄花は花だけです。 花を食する場合は雄花の方が優しい味を感じます。 雄花はここで食べないとそのまま枯れてしまいます。雄花は花だけに生きています。
今ここ では海老とモッツアレラを入れて多少甘口の揚げ出しにしました。
Zucchini's have male flower and female flowers. Pictured is a male Flower. On a female flower, a zucchini will develop under the flower but on the male flower, there is only the flower. Upon eating flowers, male flowers have a tender flavor to them. Unless eaten here, the male flowers wilt away and die if left on the vine. Male flowers live to be only be flowers.
In Italy, the flowers are stuffed with Mozzarella cheese with anchovies and made into fritters. At Ima Koko, we stuffed shrimps into the flower and made it into an age-dashi with a sweeter flavor. With it we're serving round zucchini's and kiwi's
どの花もそうですが ズッキー二の花の時期は一瞬で九州ではもう終わろうとしています。
次にどんな花が咲きお料理できるか 心待ちにしている今日この頃です。
Similar to other flowers, the season for zucchini flower is passing fast. in Kyushu
As we ponder what will be blooming next, we hope to have more flowers on the table for you.
ポレポレ店長 た。 Pore Pore Chef T.