よ 女将の親戚、へんとな農園から”ぱーんとぅまんご~”が送ってきました。
わたしだったらまるごとばくばくマンゴーにかぶりつくとこですが、、マンゴーに囲まれて育ったよ女将は 惜しげもなくおいしそうなマンゴーたちをつぶしてアイスをつくりにっこり!!
Fukuoka finally is exiting the rainy season, but Miyako Jima where Yoshie grew up (a tropical island to the South) is summer in full swing. Yoshie, received "Pan-to-u-mango*" from Hentona Farm, run by her family. In a situation where I would have bitten into the beautiful fruits, Yoshie, who grew up surrounded with mangoes, didn't think twice before smashing the yummy looking gems to make into ice cream with a smile. The mangoes grown sunbathing in Miyako Jima under the strong tropical sun is very sweet and also elegant. This is a dessert that makes one enjoy the season.
な。 Chef N.
* pan-to-u-mango translates to bursting yummy mango