水曜日, 7月 25, 2007

MEGA epi

7月25日 メガ・エピが発売された。
かって福岡には 美味本 というレストランガイド本があってとても便利だった。

新しく発売された メガ・エピは 美味本 が更に進化したと思いました。福岡市内の800店が シンプルにとても解りやすく紹介されています。また一軒ごとに地図があり使うのにとても便利そうです。この町で好奇心を持って食事にいくための羅針盤になる本だと思います。

メガ・エピ の中に 僕らの “ 今ここ ” も紹介されました。これもひとえに皆様の応援のたまものと深く感謝しています。 

よしえ女将、奈津美シェフ、ポレポレ店長 た。の3人は手を取り合ってこれまで以上に ささやかな目標に向かって 日々精進していこうと決意を新たにしました。

9月1日より始まる “ 今ここ ” 怒涛の第3ステージをご期待ください。

ポレポレ店長 た。 

On July 25th, Mega Epi was published.
Long ago in Fukuoka, there was a great restaurant guide book called Oishinbon, that was very useful.

The newly published Mega Epi is a book that to me was a book that is more evolved and more fantastic Oishinbon. There are 800 restaurants written up in a easy to use manner. Every store has a map too, that makes it useful to find the place. This book is going to be the comps that leads you on a great food adventure all over Fukuoka.

Imakoko was also described in Mega Epi too. We sincerely thank our opportunity to be in this great book and believe that it is because of all the support we get from all of our great friends.

Yoshie, Natsumi and I are going to stand together as Three Musketeers to improve our food and service everyone.

Please be ready for our adventurous third chapter starting on September 1st.

Pore pore Chef T.

Text printed in Mega Epi "Do you know where you're going today?":

The house is atop a hill on Sakurazaka in a residential neighborhood. What awaits is a relaxed time and what has now become a special treat = "home made food, made the proper way". The husband and wife team of Takashi and Yoshie Kurashige along with Natusmi Murata pour time into safe and delicious ingredients to make food filled in "taste filled in happiness". Because of the effort placed in each of the dishes created, only three groups of guests can be served daily. Make sure you have a reservation by the night before.

The photo is from "today's fish" for one person.

Address: Fukuoka-shi Chuo-ku Sakurazaka 3-7-8
Hours of operations: 12noon-2pm; 6pm-10pm
Holidays: Mondays, Sundays, Statutory Holidays; months of February and August
Number of seats: 18
Cards: not usable
Menu: Lunch course 4500yen; Dinner course 5250yen