日曜日, 4月 08, 2007

玉ねぎスープ その1 Onion Soup #1

Spring is season to harvest spring onions.
糸島半島は暖かく海の風をうけた とても甘い玉ねぎの宝庫です。
Itoshima Peninsula has fantastic sweet onions that grew with the warm wind from the ocean.

畑から引き抜いたばかりの 玉ねぎは真珠のような輝きを持っています。
The onion that is just pulled out of the soil almost look like pearls.

The whole field was filled with the sweet sent.

生産者の野口さんは 有機の野菜を栽培されていて 
Ms. Noguchi that grew our onion for us is a very kind, fantastic person that grows organic vegetables.
These onions are going to make great onion soup.