中には春の香りいっぱいのふきを包み込んで。。 早いもので3月も残すとこあと1週間になりました。4月のメニューにも和菓子風な感じで始めたいなと試行錯誤中です。まだまだ春はこれから楽しむとこいっぱいなので(お花見とか、桜の花摘みとか、たけのこ祭りとか、蕗採りなどなど)お料理でも引き続き春満載で。。な。
For March, we are continuing our Japanese Candy series from January, and began with sakura mochi (cherry blossom mochi). Wrapped inside is butterbur with spring aromas. March flew by so fast; there is only one week left. We are trying to design our April menu continuing with our series. Spring will only get better from now with hanami, cherry blossom picking, bamboo shoot festival, and butterbur collection. We hope to feature more Spring in the coming weeks.