水曜日, 12月 12, 2007

Ms.永谷ゆかからのメール e-mail from Yuka Nagatani

MUKWANO の永谷ゆかさんからメールをいただきました。
We got a thank you letter back from Yuka Nagatani of Mukwano for all the donations to her organization for orphans with HIV/AIDS.

今ここ の皆様

ありがとうございました。MUKWANO の前田 美貴子と
 無事、12月1日にMUKWANO HOMEと




Dear All at Imakoko,
Thank you so much for your donation of 60,175 yen that we received on December 4th. I have been in Uganda till yesterday with Mikiko Maeda of Mukwano.

We finished our construction of the Mukwano Home and school on December 1st and 31 children are living in the home now.
The children had a hard time getting to sleep having never slept in a bed before. We plan to use your money for the lively hood our our children and programs for them. Thank you so very much. Please send everyone my regards.
Yuka Naganai

今ここ は今後もMUKWANOを応援していきます。

ポレポレ店長 た。

Imakoko will continue to support Mukwano.
We hope you will hep us to do so.
Thank you for your support.
Pore Pore Chef T.

月曜日, 12月 03, 2007

ありがとうございました。Thank you very much.

12月1日 “ごはん屋 今ここ” は一年経ちました。
これまで応援していただいた多くの方々に 心より感謝しています。

ご協力いただいたエイズ孤児基金は 60175円集まりました。

On December 1st, Gohanya Imakoko became a year old.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone that has cheered us on as well as to ask everyone to continue to encourage us. We hope that the food we make will continued to be enjoyed. Hope to see you soon.

The donations that we received for Mukwano amounted to 60175 yen (approx. 600 USD), which we sent. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Imakoko Family.


The starter for World AIDS Day, Dec. 1st.
Steamed kabu turnip, carrots, lily bulb, ginkgo seeds, nameko mushroom and suzuki fish.

木曜日, 11月 15, 2007

名残の菱の実ごはん Fall rice with hishi

The fish plate. From left: salt water eel smoke; tortilla with mentai; fresh roll with cream cheese and smoked salmon; mackerel sushi with black rice; and sazae.

Below: rice with hishi and awa-fu; sea bream and Allium green soup. For hishi, we boiled once then took off the hard shell before cooking it with rice. It is a flavor suggests the end of fall.
Allium greens are good for detoxing and contains lots of vitamin A that can help preventing colds. Although it is early in the cold season we do have large temperature difference between night and day. Healthy food can keep you stay healthy.

Chef N.

月曜日, 11月 05, 2007

全員集合 All Together

今ここ スタッフが久しぶり全員集合しました。

左より 看板娘 ナイル、 テクニカル・アドバイザー マット、 善枝 女将、 奈津美  シェフ、 隆 ポレポレ・ シェフ (ポレポレ店長 た。)
このお店は一歩を踏み出したばかりで まだまだ精進が必要です。

ポレポレ店長 た。(この中で一番努力が必要と思われる人)

For the first time in a long time, all of us came together.

From the left,
Nile (helper), Matt (technical advisor), Yoshie (madam), Natsumi (chef), Takashi (pore pore chef).
We have taken our first steps but we still need to learn more. We hope to get your encouragement and criticisms to help us grow.

Thank you so much,
Pore Pore T. (the one that needs the most effort)

火曜日, 10月 30, 2007

もうすぐ 1周年 Almost one year


また 11月中はエイズ基金寄付BOXをお店に用意いたします。


ポレポレ店長 た。

Since opening on December 1st, 2006, it has been almost been one year.

December 1st is also World AIDS Day.
For this reason, we plan to donate all of our profit on that day towards HIV/AIDS in Africa through our friend's organization Mukwano.
We will make some food that will carry African wind all the way to Fukuoka.
Additionally, we will have a box to accept donation for the month of November that will be sent with our donation from December 1st.

Thank you so much for your co-operation.

Pore Pore Chef T.

This is a picture taken at Nairobi, Kenya at a orphanage where HIV/AIDS children who lost parents through HIV/AIDS live happily.

木曜日, 10月 25, 2007

おせち料理 New Year's Food




一組三万五千円 (限定二十組)



We are now accepting reservation for Osechi, New Year's Food.
We will make it with wishing the best using the best of the best.
One set is 35,000 yen (twenty sets max)
Please make your reservations soon. Feel free to ask any questions.

月曜日, 9月 17, 2007

ドラ焼き100個 100 Dora-yaki

9月15、16日でドラ焼き100個、人参スノーボール200個、ホワイト・スノーボール200個、 抹茶フィナンシェ100個、アーモンド・フィナンシェ100個を “今ここ” の3人で力を合わせて作りました。
On September 15th and 16th, the three of us at Imakoko, we made 100 dora-yaki (two small think pancake sandwiching red bean paste), 200 carrot snow balls, 200 white snow balls, 100 green tea cookies.

We divided up the goodies and packed then into 83 packages to bring to an retirement home.
When we got there, the event for the day of elders had already started.

いろんなボランテアの人たちの出し物の後で100歳をこえた方へ安部総理大臣より 長生きの表彰状が送られた。 めでたい席でしたが安部氏が病気の為何か複雑な気がしました。
After the a talent show by volunteers, the guests of honor over 100 got a certificate from Prime Minister Abe. This was supposed to be a cheerful event but since the Prime Minister is sick, the atmosphere at the event was mixed.

おやつの時間に80名の入居者の皆さんに僕らのお菓子を食べていただきました。 皆さん甘いものがお好きで、とても喜んでいただきました。
The 80 guest enjoyed our cookies during tea time. Many of them, loved sweets and tea time was the highlight of the day. We were only there for a shirt time but they warmed our hearts and made us happy.
We hope to deliver cookies again next year.

ポレポレ店長 た。 (入所もそう遠くなさそうです。)
Pore Pore Chef T. (the day that he enters may not be too far)

水曜日, 9月 12, 2007

ほうれん草エンチラーダ Spinach Enchilada


We made tortillas with spinach in them and wrapped it around ino-buta* then added tomato sauce and baked it in our oven. Atop, we placed mozzarella, salsa verde (made from fresh tomatillo), and jalapeño. It is a hot dish in more than one way.

*ino-buta is a hybrid of wild boar and pig

Next is kudzu ball.
Since when you walk up the hill to Ima Koko Dinning Room, one often gets too warm to be comfortable, we welcome everyone now with cool kudzu ball. Inside is eggplant, aromatically broiled.

These are dishes that Pore Pore Chef brought back all the way from his latest trip to the US. In it we have been serving jelly fish, sea grapes, pear with sweet and sour miso.
Pictured below is a dessert with basil seeds. We want everyone to enjoy the complex texture in your mouth.

な。Chef N.

火曜日, 9月 04, 2007

9月の料理 September meals

It has been almost a week since we reopened for the season amides the heat of September. Here is an introduction to tonight’s menu:
First is a “snapping turtle steamer” with hopes of not leaving any fatigue from the hot summer days. Snapping turtles give a great broth; if you have never tried it, please take advantage of this opportunity. We use wild snapping turtles from the Yabe River.

こちらは先日ようやく入手した赤村のイノブタを串焼きにしトマティーオをかけてます。赤村のイノブタは歯ごたえがあり、とてもうまみのある肉です。脂身がまたとても美味です。 あとはポレンタ、たまねぎにトマト、バナナピーマンです。
Below is grilled ino-buta* meat from Akamura with tomatillo sauce. Ino-buta from Akamura is delicious because of its great texture with lots of umami. The fatty meats are great as well. On the side we have polenta, onion, tomato and banana peppers.

*Ino-buta is a hybrid of wild boar x pig

To finish the meal, we have grilled chestnut rice. We’ve made it whole chestnuts.
な。 Chef N.

木曜日, 8月 23, 2007


まだまだ暑さの残る来月ポレポレ店長・よ女将の愛するアフリカ”TUSKER "ビールを新しくメニューに加えました。ぞうのラベルかわいいでしょ?


Before season 3,starting in September,the three staff members are back after a summer vacation. While the heat wave is still lingering next month we are going to start offering Takashi and yoshie's beloved Tusker Beer. Isn't the elephant on the label cute?

We await your reservation with an early Fall menu in September. Chef N.


水曜日, 7月 25, 2007

MEGA epi

7月25日 メガ・エピが発売された。
かって福岡には 美味本 というレストランガイド本があってとても便利だった。

新しく発売された メガ・エピは 美味本 が更に進化したと思いました。福岡市内の800店が シンプルにとても解りやすく紹介されています。また一軒ごとに地図があり使うのにとても便利そうです。この町で好奇心を持って食事にいくための羅針盤になる本だと思います。

メガ・エピ の中に 僕らの “ 今ここ ” も紹介されました。これもひとえに皆様の応援のたまものと深く感謝しています。 

よしえ女将、奈津美シェフ、ポレポレ店長 た。の3人は手を取り合ってこれまで以上に ささやかな目標に向かって 日々精進していこうと決意を新たにしました。

9月1日より始まる “ 今ここ ” 怒涛の第3ステージをご期待ください。

ポレポレ店長 た。 

On July 25th, Mega Epi was published.
Long ago in Fukuoka, there was a great restaurant guide book called Oishinbon, that was very useful.

The newly published Mega Epi is a book that to me was a book that is more evolved and more fantastic Oishinbon. There are 800 restaurants written up in a easy to use manner. Every store has a map too, that makes it useful to find the place. This book is going to be the comps that leads you on a great food adventure all over Fukuoka.

Imakoko was also described in Mega Epi too. We sincerely thank our opportunity to be in this great book and believe that it is because of all the support we get from all of our great friends.

Yoshie, Natsumi and I are going to stand together as Three Musketeers to improve our food and service everyone.

Please be ready for our adventurous third chapter starting on September 1st.

Pore pore Chef T.

Text printed in Mega Epi "Do you know where you're going today?":

The house is atop a hill on Sakurazaka in a residential neighborhood. What awaits is a relaxed time and what has now become a special treat = "home made food, made the proper way". The husband and wife team of Takashi and Yoshie Kurashige along with Natusmi Murata pour time into safe and delicious ingredients to make food filled in "taste filled in happiness". Because of the effort placed in each of the dishes created, only three groups of guests can be served daily. Make sure you have a reservation by the night before.

The photo is from "today's fish" for one person.

Address: Fukuoka-shi Chuo-ku Sakurazaka 3-7-8
Hours of operations: 12noon-2pm; 6pm-10pm
Holidays: Mondays, Sundays, Statutory Holidays; months of February and August
Number of seats: 18
Cards: not usable
Menu: Lunch course 4500yen; Dinner course 5250yen

月曜日, 7月 23, 2007

お弁当 Obentou (packed meal)

休日の早朝から “今ここ” で初めてお弁当を作りました。
We all went to early on a holiday to make the very first packed meals for Imakoko.

The finished product looked very delicious.

パッキングする よ。女将 と な。シェフ
Yoshie and Natsumi packed.

完成した お弁当。
The finished product.

メニュー 料理はすべて薄味で柔らかく。
-Chirashi zushi with salmon, salmon caviar, egg, shiitake, mozzarella cheese, green beans
-Omelet with egg, tomato and zucchini served with bitter melon with sesame
-Perch cooked with miso served with sweet potota and picked shallot
-Simmered beef with gobo, carrots, corn and mushrooms
-Vegies: pumpkin, eggplant,red pepper, and mild green peeper
-Agarred mango with purple flower bean
-Clear soup with conger and okra

All the food was cooked till soft and gently flavored.

お弁当は北九州のグループ・ホーム“シライ・シップ”の皆様へ プレゼントしました。
平均年齢 84歳の皆さんに美味しく食べていただき幸せな気分になりました。
次は 敬老の日に福岡の特別養護老人ホームへおやつをお届けしたいと計画しています。

その昔看板娘ナイルへお弁当を作っていた頃を思い出し少しセンチになったポレポレ店長 た。 でした。

We brought our packed meals to the residents of retirement group home "Shirai Ship" in Kita-Kyushu as presents. The residents, average age of 84, were happy to eat our food. Next event we have planed is deliver sweets to another retirement home for the Elder day.

I got a little sentimental while making the packed lunches reminiscing about the time, long ago, that I used to make packed lunches for Nile.
Porepore Chef T.

金曜日, 7月 20, 2007

マンゴーアイス Mango Ice Cream

よ 女将の親戚、へんとな農園から”ぱーんとぅまんご~”が送ってきました。
わたしだったらまるごとばくばくマンゴーにかぶりつくとこですが、、マンゴーに囲まれて育ったよ女将は 惜しげもなくおいしそうなマンゴーたちをつぶしてアイスをつくりにっこり!!
Fukuoka finally is exiting the rainy season, but Miyako Jima where Yoshie grew up (a tropical island to the South) is summer in full swing. Yoshie, received "Pan-to-u-mango*" from Hentona Farm, run by her family. In a situation where I would have bitten into the beautiful fruits, Yoshie, who grew up surrounded with mangoes, didn't think twice before smashing the yummy looking gems to make into ice cream with a smile. The mangoes grown sunbathing in Miyako Jima under the strong tropical sun is very sweet and also elegant. This is a dessert that makes one enjoy the season.

な。 Chef N.
* pan-to-u-mango translates to bursting yummy mango

土曜日, 7月 14, 2007

無花果 Figs

"Cutie King" figs are grown in Saga, the next prefecture over. The fruits are small, but dense in texture. Although it is still green, it is ripe.

We cook the outside of the figs in olive oil. The sweet aroma fills the room.

On top, we place sesame cream with yuzu and garnish with almond slice. The fresh sweetness of the fig gets along with the sesame cream.
な。 Chef N.

金曜日, 7月 13, 2007

梅雨の時期 Rainy Season

These few days we have been hit hard by thunder and heavy rains. At times, it has been very scary. To word off evil, we have placed our appetizers on leaves of "Yatsude" plants: marinated mackerel with "myoga"; lotus potato with salmon, mozzarella, and onion tartar; seared tuna; two kinds of squid with mimolette cheese; quail egg atop miso wrapped in nori seaweed; sea bream with mustard seedlings and kombu seaweed; conger eggs; two types of sardines, one with pecorino cheese and other with celery and plum.

"Yebisu" pumpkin and tomato jelly. Child soup to cool you down in the muggy weather!
な。 Chef N.

月曜日, 7月 09, 2007

ズッキー二の花 Zucchini flowers

ズッキー二の花は雌花と雄花があり、これは雄花です。 雌花の下にズッキーニが成長しますが、雄花は花だけです。 花を食する場合は雄花の方が優しい味を感じます。 雄花はここで食べないとそのまま枯れてしまいます。雄花は花だけに生きています。
今ここ では海老とモッツアレラを入れて多少甘口の揚げ出しにしました。
Zucchini's have male flower and female flowers. Pictured is a male Flower. On a female flower, a zucchini will develop under the flower but on the male flower, there is only the flower. Upon eating flowers, male flowers have a tender flavor to them. Unless eaten here, the male flowers wilt away and die if left on the vine. Male flowers live to be only be flowers.
In Italy, the flowers are stuffed with Mozzarella cheese with anchovies and made into fritters. At Ima Koko, we stuffed shrimps into the flower and made it into an age-dashi with a sweeter flavor. With it we're serving round zucchini's and kiwi's

どの花もそうですが ズッキー二の花の時期は一瞬で九州ではもう終わろうとしています。
次にどんな花が咲きお料理できるか 心待ちにしている今日この頃です。
Similar to other flowers, the season for zucchini flower is passing fast. in Kyushu
As we ponder what will be blooming next, we hope to have more flowers on the table for you.

ポレポレ店長 た。 Pore Pore Chef T.

月曜日, 7月 02, 2007

初夏 皆様のお越しをお待ちしています。Early Summer; we await your visit.

昨年12月1日にオープンし “ごはん屋 今ここ” 怒涛のシーズン#2 は最後の一ヶ月になりました。
Having opened December 1st, our adventurous second season only leaves one more month.

For July, we hope to have seasonal and healthy vegetables and fish ready for you.

またお魚は冬の脂の乗った魚と違い さわやかな味を楽しめる魚が各種あります。
The seasonal vegetables now are growing rapidly. Many fish of this season are refreshing compared to the fatty fish of the winter.

お客様のリクエストにもお答えできるよう努力します。 ご予約の時はお気軽になんなりとお申し付けください。
We make an effort to respond to your requests, so please let us know upon making your reservation.

今期は7月28日までお店を開いていますので 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしています。
This season continues until July 28th. We await your visit from the bottom of our hearts.

“ごはん屋 今ここ” 怒涛のシーズン#3 は9月1日より始まります。
Our adventurous third season will begin September 1st.

ポレポレ店長 た。
Pore-pore chef T

水曜日, 6月 27, 2007

桧山直樹さんの畑 Naoki-san's Field

ごはん屋 今ここ は桧山直樹さんの育てた野菜を使っています。
At Gohanya Imakoko, we use vegetables grown by Naoki Hiyama-san.
この時期は インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)、スイスチャド、ズッキーニ、ナス、ピーマン、バナナ・ペパー、他 そしてカモミール・薄紅あおい(ハーブティー) を皆様にお出ししています。
Currently we are offering, potatoes, Swiss chard, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, banana peppers, among herbal teas such as chamomile and hollyhocks. For many of the crops, the yields are low so we cannot promise anything, while we hope you can try some of the incredibly healthy vegetables.

Here is an introduction to Naoki-san's Field

畑の住人はこのアヒルたちです。 2匹は力を合わせて雑草を食べまくります。
The resident of the field are these two ducks. They cooperate in getting rid of the weeds.

Noki Hiyama-san and his daikon. He didn't harvest this daikon because he wants to harvest seeds from it.

桧山直樹さんの畑に 梅、ハーブの花、インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)の収穫の手伝いに行きました。
We went to help harvest plum, herb flowers, and an Inca potato at Mr. Naoki Hiyama's field.
Naoiki-san has been growing organic vegetables in Eastern Fukuoka for 20 years.
その野菜の多くは 檜山タミ先生の料理塾で使われていますが、“今ここ”にもご好意で分けていただいています。
Many of the vegetables are used at Hiyama Tami-sensei's cooking school but he has kindly agreed to sell some of his vegetables to Imakoko as well.
写真 左から直樹さん、ミナコ先生、な。シェフ、ポレポレ店長。
From the left, Naoki-san, Minako-sensei, Natsumi-chef, and pore-pore Takashi.

At a quick glance, this field appears to be covered in weeds. In reality, there are many different variates of vegetables growing among the weeds.
In the past, Naoki-san studied natural farming with Masanobu Fukuoka in Shikoku.
The vegetables that are grown can survive in any environment.

その雑草をのけて掘ると インカのめざめ(じゃがいも)が出てきます。
Under the weeds the beautiful potatoes poke their noses out.
Because the vegetables have to compete with the weeds, the vegetables have an amazing amount of life in them.

カモミールの花 Chamomile flowers
これをお茶にしたら 本当に香たかいカモミール・ティーができます。
When steeped in hot water, it makes tea with a great aroma.

お湯に入れたときはくすんだ青色ですが このお茶のお手前としてはレモンを入れて飲まなくてはいけません。 そのあとは お楽しみに・・・
This is also great for herbal tea. When placed into hot water, it is a muddled blue but with lemon, it is fantastic. Plase enjoy after adding lemon.

梅は大豊作でした。 A great harvest of plums.

Currently, at Imakoko we have plum jam, is used for ice cream sauce, and in jello for desserts.

やはりお店と同様に最後はいつも な。シェフ大活躍です。 暑い一日でしたがとても楽しかったでした。
ポレポレ店長 た。
As it is at Imakoko, at the end, Natumi came to save the day.
It was a hot day but we had great fun.
Thank you so much, Naoki-san!
Pore Pore Chef T.